Monday, August 11, 2008

I bought myself some beads for my birthday and this is what I came up with. I used gold findings, which seems odd to me, but silver didn't really match.

Logan and Mike bought me some beads for my birthday. I used some of them to create this set.

I made the earrings for this set after I made my first necklace. I really like the look and feel, so I made a necklace to match. This is one of my favorites.

jewelry rework

I had a old necklace that I've never really liked. It had a simple silver chain with a bundle of beads in a messy clump at the bottom and a big turquoise pendant underneath the clump. I decided it would make a nice rework. I cut all the little beads off the clump and distributed them onto a new chain and then attached the pendant onto the bottom. I am tickled with how it turned out.

Here is the next one I made. I don't really care for it. I don't know what it is about it that I don't like, but I don't see myself wearing it. I think I am going to rip it apart and use the beads for something else.

The beginning

This is the first piece I completed. I started several other pieces before this but decided I didn't like them much and pulled them apart.

The seed beads I used started out a variety of metal colors: copper, gold, silver and metallic blues, greens and purples. I wore the necklace out in the sun one day and all the metallics faded to silver, so now the nekclace is silver with blue, green and purple. I guess that is what i get for using cheap beads from walmart.